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My communication with Cortez Quinn
Chief of Staff for
First District County Supervisor Roger Dickinson

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10/24/04 email to Mr. Quinn: stop sign policies
11/2/04  email to Quinn, followup; no answer received to my 10/24/04 email
11/2/04 From Quinn, reply to my followup: he received my 10/24/04 email
11/18/04 To Quinn, asks for coordinated survey area limits
11/24/04 To Quinn, followup: no answer received to my 11/18/04 email
12/3/04 To Quinn, third request for coordinated survey limits
12/10/04 To Quinn, fourth request
12/10/04 From Quinn, defines survey area, claims 80% in favor of stop signs
12/10/04 To Quinn, re 52 residents of nearby streets not allowed to vote
12/18/04 To Quinn, restating request for coordinated survey limits
12/22/04 Response from Supervisor Roger Dickinson to my 12/18 email to Quinn

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: stop sign policies
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 08:40:07 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>
CC: Mark Manoff <>
        Hal Morris <>


Thank you for attending the CPAC meeting October 12th and hearing the Second Street stop sign issue. I understand that Supervisor Dickinson made a statement that encouraged a community meeting be held prior to the installation of the stop signs, so I know he is aware of the commitment to hold that meeting that that was subsequently broken by the County.

As included in my statement made at that meeting, I am requesting a copy of County policies:

"This is a request for a copy of the County policy that established the voting procedure, including the use of what is identified as a 'questionnaire' or 'survey', yet is actually a binding vote compelling a County action.  I want to see the policy that identifies how voters are chosen, how returned ballots are secured and tallied, and how the ballot language is written and approved. I want to see the policy that did not allow me to either write an opposing ballot statement or lacking that, prevented me from finding out who was empowered to vote to install the stop signs. I want to see the policy that prevented me from presenting my side of the issue to voters before they cast their ballot."

See for my complete statement. See also for additional information.

That request is reiterated at the end of the Rio Linda Elverta NEWS article October 21, and a request is added for the actual, approved, "Board policy" that DOT claims directs the process for approval and installation of speed control stop signs. 

See for the article.

I have enlisted the aid of Mark Manoff, and he has forwarded my specific requests for information to Mr. Randy Faust. A copy of that correspondence is included for your information.

Cortez, as the "keeper" of actual Board policies, could you and your office please facilitate the provision of the information I seek? I would appreciate your assistance.


Jay O'Brien
Rio Linda

cc: Mark Manoff, DNS
     Hal Morris, CPAC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: 2nd St. stop signs - outstanding requests
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 06:34:06 -0700
From: Manoff. Mark <>
To: Jay O'Brien <>

I forwarded this to Randy. His e- mail foustr@

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2nd St. stop signs - outstanding requests
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:08:51 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Mark Manoff <>


Mr. Faust has not provided his email address to me, so I am asking you
to accept the following requests from me for information and to respond
to me.

1.  This is a follow up to the telephone call I received from Mr. Randy Faust on September 30, 2004 (my caller ID said "blocked call", so I do not know the number from which he called). I asked for and he agreed to provide, "next week", the following information:
--  see

I did receive, without a cover letter, on October 9, 2004, an envelope from DOT that contained a November 25, 1986 recommendation from Douglas M. Fraleigh, Director, Department of Public Works, to the Board of Supervisors recommending five items, including expansion of the Neighborhood Speed Control Program to semi-rural streets. What I received shows no indication of Board adoption. It is unknown if this is the actual adopted policy. What I want is a valid Board resolution, the actual date adopted, any changes the Board may have made, and the votes as cast by the Board. Please provide a "real" copy of the approved Board policy.

--  see

1.1 I also received, in that envelope On October 9, 2004, an "Engineering and traffic study" (8-24-04) plus a 24 hour traffic count (8-19-04). As there was no cover letter, there is no statement that these are the studies that justified the stop sign. I request confirmation that these are such studies, and that these are the only studies involved.

--  see

2. As I requested at the CPAC meeting October 12:

"This is a request for a copy of the County policy that established the voting procedure, including the use of what is identified as a 'questionnaire' or 'survey', yet is actually a binding vote compelling a County action.  I want to see the policy that identifies how voters are chosen, how returned ballots are secured and tallied, and how the ballot language is written and approved. I want to see the policy that did not allow me to either write an opposing ballot statement or lacking that, prevented me from finding out who was empowered to vote to install the stop signs. I want to see the policy that prevented me from presenting my side of the issue to voters before they cast their ballot."

--  see

Your prompt responses to my requests will be appreciated.

Thank you,

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: stop sign policies
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 12:05:27 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>,  Mark Manoff <>, Hal Morris <>


Did you receive the message I sent to you October 24th? I am repeating it below. [original included copy of 10/24 message above]

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: stop sign policies
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:27:29 -0800
From: Quinn. Cortez <>
To: Jay O'Brien <>
       Manoff. Mark <>
       Hal Morris <>

Jay:    I received your e-mail and as 'keeper' of the Board Policies, I have enlisted our DOT to help in locating those policies related to the issue at hand.  I will get back to you as soon as I receive relevant information regarding the stop sign issue that you have addressed.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:16:18 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>


Would you please let me know the limits of the questionnaire survey area for the speed control stop signs on Second Street at Shady Woods Way?  This would have been coordinated at some time prior to August 30, 2004.

If correspondence or emails are available supporting your office's coordination of this issue, I would appreciate copies.

Thank you,

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:52:13 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>


Did you receive the message below I sent to you last week? [original included copy of 11/18 message above]

I'm interested in this as many residents that are close to and impacted by the stop signs were not included by DOT in the DOT "survey" that collected the votes that were used by DOT to authorize and justify the installation of the stop signs.

I'm sure that if your office was involved that you would have considered those residents, but there could well be some mitigating circumstances; I would like to know what input Supervisor Dickinson's office had to the creation of the "survey area" used by DOT. Your correspondence files should reveal your communication with DOT on this subject.

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 15:06:47 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>


This is my third request to you for information on the "survey area" DOT coordinated with Supervisor Dickinson that was used to collect votes that resulted in the installation of speed control stop signs on Second Street at Shady Woods Way.

The new speed control stop signs are only 880 feet from the pre-existing stop signs on Second Street at M Street. The new stop signs potentially effect 52 residents, all within 880 feet of the new stop signs, that may traverse Second Street on the way to their properties on Shady Woods Way, Shady Willow Court, Berry Oak Court and Shady Valley Court. These 52 residents were not designated to vote on this issue, and I want to know what prompted the decision to not allow them to vote, while requesting votes from only 34 other properties. A third of the 34 properties who were designated to vote are farther from the new speed control stop signs than the 52 who were not given the opportunity to vote.

I would appreciate a prompt reply.

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:26:37 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>
CC: Don Flesch <>


Will I hear from you soon on this issue? This is my fourth request to you. I would prefer to have a response from Supervisor Dickinson's office before I write an article for The NEWS on this subject. [original included copy of 12/3 message above]

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:32:41 -0800
From: Quinn. Cortez <>
To: Jay O'Brien <>
CC: Dickinson. Roger <>


Happy Holidays!!

 I have received your messages, and I apologize for the delay in responding to you.  The survey area was 2nd Street from M to Q Streets. Additionally, 80% of those who participated in the survey were in favor of the stop sign installation. I believe that Supervisor Dickinson will not support the removal of the stop signs on 2nd Street at this time. However, we will be happy to revisit this situation when the new Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is adopted by the Board.

Please let me know whether or not this response answers your question.


Cortez L. Quinn
Chief of Staff to
Supervisor Roger Dickinson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 18:36:48 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>
CC: Roger Dickinson <>


Please confirm that the 52 residents of Shady Woods Way, Shady Willow Court, Berry Oak Court and Shady Valley Court who may access their properties via the stretch of Second Street between M and Q Streets were not included by Supervisor Dickinson in the list of those whom he agreed could be authorized to vote to have the speed control stop signs installed or not installed.

Thank you,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Second Street speed control stop signs
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 18:48:00 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Cortez Quinn <>
CC: Roger Dickinson <>
        Mark Manoff <>
        Don Flesch <>


Thanks for discussing the speed control stop sign issue with me at the CPAC meeting Tuesday night.

You said that you would respond accordingly if you can get more information from the Department of Transportation.

Cortez, I'm asking for confirmation from your office that the list of people anointed to vote for or against the stop signs was actually coordinated with your office and that your office agreed that the residents on Shady Woods Way, Shady Willow Court, Berry Oak Court and Shady Valley Court who may access their properties via the affected stretch of Second Street between M and Q Streets should not have been provided the opportunity to vote for or against the speed control stop signs that have been installed on Second Street at Shady Woods Way.

What I am asking for is a response from your office, not from the Department of Transportation. Their responsibility was to contact your office, per the Residential Speed Control Process adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 29, 1994, item 38. Your office, as the representative of the people affected by the stop signs that Transportation was proposing was to be contacted to coordinate the "limits of the questionnaire survey area."  I seek the details of this coordination.

It is your communication with the Department of Transportation, expressing your coordination, that I seek; not something that you would now obtain from the Department of Transportation.

As I said at the CPAC meeting, and you responded that you hear me, the issue is the process, not the stop signs. I have had many bad experiences with the arbitrary and capricious Department of Transportation. What is unfortunate, in my opinion, is that they don't know (or care) that they work for me. I don't work for them.

The Department of Transportation is a shining example of why Citrus Heights, Elk Grove and Rancho Cordova exist, and a shining example of what the Community Service Centers and Community Councils must overcome to be successful. My hat is off to Mark Manoff for even trying to pull this together.


The response to my email above came from First District Supervisor Roger Dickinson on December 22, 2004. Click here for that correspondence.

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