This web page, and its subordinate pages, were my
personal references as I brought up a new computer running
64-bit Windows 7. The computer is now in service and working fine.
I purchased a new computer from
Daly with the intent to
learn about Windows 7 and see the improvements
expected from a fast 64-bit computer. I picked it up on October
30, 2009.
My present computers all run XP Pro; I skipped Vista. It turns out that
skipping Vista puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage, as Windows 7
includes many "improvements" over XP that are in Vista; I must learn
about the Vista changes as I learn Windows 7.
Status: This link includes many
contemporary notes that may be of interest.
Hardware and software details:
Computer Details: My Windows 7 64-bit computer:
Current conclusions:
-64bit is blazing fast. Wow.
-Many applications I want to run are not compatible (yet) with Win7
-I have three video cameras using MJPEG format that I want to watch;
putting them all on an XP computer makes it useless for any other task;
the Win7 64-bit computer displays them and asks for more to do.
-If a printer is not specified as being compatible with Windows 7,
consider replacing it rather than wasting time futzing around with it.
-The Win 7 computer does its thing well, but it is not ready to replace
even one of my XP computers.
Issues Resolved:
Junction Points: I was unable to to
navigate to
C:\Documents and
Install Lessons: Install grabs all of the hard drive for C; Install
will save old installs.
Windows 7 Image backup - now replaced with Norton
Ghost 15.
Printers: Click on link for details
Dasappearing Shortcuts: Added 5/13/10.
Also Ownership and Permissions.
Open Issues:
and Windows 7: Norton (Symantec) product compatibility:
SystemWorks, PartitionMagic.
Windows 7 Information:
Some Windows 7 links I have
collected from others
Main web page:
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