AOL Executive Escalations
I was given
the telephone number of the AOL Vice President for Member Services. I
called the number and spoke with Ryan Olson. My correspondence with Mr.
Olson is below. What I see from Mr. Olson is very encouraging to
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 12:26:27 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <jayobrien@att.net>
To: Ryan Olson <ryaninut@aol.com>
Thanks for taking my call today to the office of the AOL Vice President
for Member Services. I appreciate your attention and concern for my
issue, the apparent removal of the ability to send using plain text
from the currently distributed AOL software.
I have attempted to cover the issue completely in a web page that you
were good enough to pull up while we spoke on the telephone. I
appreciate the fact that you said you would involve the proper
engineering people to review and hopefully resolve this issue.
Thank you!
Jay O'Brien
Rio Linda, CA
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 17:16:57 EDT
From: RyaninUT@aol.com
To: jayobrien@att.net
I investigated your issue and unfortunately the answer that I found is
that AOL 7.0 no longer supports sending email in plain text. I do
apologize for the inconvenience. I contacted the postmaster team
here at AOL and they informed me that AOL 5.0 and below use rich text,
AOL 3.0 and below use plain text, but are no longer supported with the
AOL service. All the newer versions use html email and have no
way of selecting plain text email.
The workarounds that you can use are to use AOL 5.0 or older or to
compose your email in notepad and copy and paste it into AOL's web-mail
at aol.com. You can also keep reinstalling an older aol 7.0 cd
that you have found that does work to send plain text email. I do
apologize that these are not to your liking, but they are all that I
can offer.
I have placed a formal complaint on your behalf and have requested for
the AOL 8.0 that there be an option to change the email to plain text.
AOL 8.0 is currently in beta testing and will probably be released
sometime this fall.
I will try to address a few of the concerns I read on your
website. AOL 7.0 revision 4114.121 was one of the original 7.0
gold master releases and the 4114.259 is a refresh (or updated)
release. The original builds of AOL 7.0 that you mention on your
web-site as being able to send plain text are generally automatically
upgraded by the system when you sign off the first time.
Apparently, these updates remove the option of sending plain text
email. I do not have the information nor was I able to find any
information as to why that would be changed with the updates. The
TechMail team uses a web-based tool to send out their email so, as they
told you, aol web mail does send plain text as that is what they're
using. You can see that this email is not plain text and I am
using AOL 7.0 to send it to you.
Again I do apologize that I was unable to find out a more satisfying
answer to your problem. If you would like more of your concerns
that are mentioned on your website addressed, let me know and I will
address them to the best of my abilities.
Ryan Olson
Executive Escalations
America Online, Inc.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 11:11:34 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <jayobrien@att.net>
To: Ryan Olson <ryaninut@aol.com>
Thank you for your prompt response. I really appreciate that. Based on
your message, I have some questions for you; I would like to make sure
that I have properly interpreted your statements and I want to be sure
that I correctly understand AOL's positions. I would appreciate your
confirmation, correction or response as appropriate to each point below.
1. I want to thank you and commend AOL for taking the clear step to
assure that plain text be an option in AOL 8.0. That confirms that the
upgrade path for present AOL plain text users will not disenfranchise
them from their present ability to send email in plain text.
2. Is it AOL's position that users of AOL 7.0 revision (build) 4114.121
should be denied the future ability to send in plain text once they
sign off from AOL and receive the automatic update? I assure you that
this does NOT happen, and users of 4114.121 who receive regular updates
at disconnect time continue to successfully send using plain text. I
know this fact by personal experience. The "X-Mailer" line in the
header of emails sent gets changed by the updates from one "sub" to
another, but "Content-Type" in the header does not change from
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" (plain text) to multipart/alternative
(for HTML).
I respectfully suggest to you that AOL should not assert the position
described in point 2 above, as AOL users who require plain text will be
disenfranchised without notice. I know several AOL users who manage
majordomo mailing lists; if you removed their ability to send using
plain text using the AOL mail client, they would not be able to
continue as mailing list managers, using AOL in the same manner as they
use AOL today.
3. Is it AOL's policy that Plain Text AOL 7.0, for example, build
4114.121a, will not be made available by AOL to subscribers who wish to
use (or reinstall) Plain Text AOL 7.0 and send email using plain text?
4. Is it AOL's policy to continue to provide technical support to AOL
users, telling them how to send plain text email using AOL 7.0, when
the proffered instructions will only work with early releases of AOL
7.0 such as 4114.121?
5. And, as you opened the discussion to all issues mentioned on my web
site, what is AOL's position on the independent duplication and
distribution of AOL 7.0 build 4114.121a, "Plain Text AOL 7.0", if AOL
will not make it available on request?
Ryan, again thank you for reviewing and understanding the issue, even
if, as you say (correctly), the workarounds you suggest are not to my
liking. I will share your statements with others who are concerned with
this issue, so they, also, will get the "real story" from the AOL
Executive office.
Jay O'Brien
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 13:24:04 EDT
From: RyaninUT@aol.com
To: jayobrien@att.net
Thanks for your reply. You bring up some good points.
According to my sources, no version of AOL 7.0 should send plain
text...however, you have proven that to be a false statement by finding
the revision 4114.121 that works to send plain text email.
We send out the latest revision of AOL available on cd when we get
direct requests from members for one. Since this is the procedure
we cannot guarantee that the cds we send out are the correct revision
to send plain text email.
Our tech support will continue to give solutions to all our members'
problems. I have forwarded this issue on to the people who set up
the tech support call flows so that they check the revision number
before offering some of the options not available in the other
As to the independant duplication and distribution of AOL 7.0 revision
4114.121a, we would have to contact AOL Marketing. That can be
done at 1-703-265-1000 and asking for the Marketing Department.
They will have the information available there to answer that question
for you.
Again, I appreciate your concerns on this issue and I hope that our
combined efforts will make a difference in future releases of the
software and make a better experience for all users involved.
Thank you,
Ryan Olson
AOL Executive Escalations
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:05:22 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <jayobrien@att.net>
To: Ryan Olson <ryaninut@aol.com>
Thanks for sticking with me on the Plain Text AOL 7.0 issue. It is
really very important to me and to many others like me who manage
internet email lists and newsgroups. Many of our subscribers use AOL,
and we, like you, want to help "make a better experience for all users
Unfortunately you did not provide closure for two of my concerns.
Perhaps I didn't state them clearly enough, so I'll take another run at
Ability to continue using plain text
Will present users of the present Plain Text AOL 7.0 suddenly find
themselves disenfranchised from their ability to send in plain text as
a result of a new, unexpected, automatic upgrade when signing off
from AOL, or will AOL allow those presently using plain text to
be able to continue? I suspect that your response to me was, in effect,
a "they will be able to continue using plain text" answer to this
question, but I would like to be perfectly clear on AOL's policy. I
want to be sure that there is not an inherent danger to the plain text
feature in allowing the automatic AOL updates to take place.
Making Plain Text AOL 7.0 available
I asked for AOL's position on independent duplication of Plain Text AOL
7.0 **"if AOL will not make it available on request"** (emphasis
added). As your reply referred me directly to AOL Marketing, should I
thus conclude that AOL will not make it available to AOL users under
any circumstances? Before you answer this, please consider my
suggestion that follows.
I have recently learned of AOL's ftp site, ftp://ftp.aol.com. That
site, which allows anonymous file downloads, has complete older
versions of AOL software on it for download over the internet. It is a
smoothly working (and very fast!) site. I downloaded a 25MB AOL 6.0
file, as a test, in less than 7 minutes (DSL). Would it be possible for
AOL to place a copy of Plain Text 7.0 on ftp.aol.com so that it would
be available for download as required?
I would much prefer for AOL to make Plain Text AOL 7.0 available, so
that copyright or ownership wouldn't be an issue. It seems to me that
the only file necessary is setup70.exe (36MB), as all the other files
in the AOL70 directory on an AOL CD would be the same. Your engineering
folks should confirm this assumption, of course.
If AOL could place the appropriate file(s) on line, it would show AOL's
good faith effort to accommodate those users who require the ability to
send email using plain text. AOL would also show it's recognition of
the needs of its users, and AOL would gain respect in the mailing
list/usenet(newsgroup) venues.
I'm hoping for favorable responses to my concerns.
Jay O'Brien
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 15:08:30 EDT
From: RyaninUT@aol.com
To: jayobrien@att.net
In a message dated
8/18/2002 9:06:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time, jayobrien@att.net writes:
Ability to continue using plain text
Will present users of the present Plain Text AOL 7.0 suddenly find
themselves disenfranchised from their ability to send in plain text as
a result of a new, unexpected, automatic upgrade when signing off
from AOL, or will AOL allow those presently using plain text to
be able to continue? I suspect that your response to me was, in effect,
a "they will be able to continue using plain text" answer to this
question, but I would like to be perfectly clear on AOL's policy. I
want to be sure that there is not an inherent danger to the plain text
feature in allowing the automatic AOL updates to take place.
I would have to say that
there is no plan to remove this feature from the people who can
currently use it. As I said before, all my sources say that it's
not possible to do with any 7.0 version, but we've proved that to be an
incorrect statement.
Making Plain Text AOL 7.0 available
I asked for AOL's position on independent duplication of Plain Text AOL
7.0 **"if AOL will not make it available on request"** (emphasis
added). As your reply referred me directly to AOL Marketing, should I
thus conclude that AOL will not make it available to AOL users under
any circumstances? Before you answer this, please consider my
suggestion that follows.
I have recently learned of AOL's ftp site, ftp://ftp.aol.com. That
site, which allows anonymous file downloads, has complete older
versions of AOL software on it for download over the internet. It is a
smoothly working (and very fast!) site. I downloaded a 25MB AOL 6.0
file, as a test, in less than 7 minutes (DSL). Would it be possible for
AOL to place a copy of Plain Text 7.0 on ftp.aol.com so that it would
be available for download as required?
I would much prefer for AOL to make Plain Text AOL 7.0 available, so
that copyright or ownership wouldn't be an issue. It seems to me that
the only file necessary is setup70.exe (36MB), as all the other files
in the AOL70 directory on an AOL CD would be the same. Your engineering
folks should confirm this assumption, of course.
If AOL could place the appropriate file(s) on line, it would show AOL's
good faith effort to accommodate those users who require the ability to
send email using plain text. AOL would also show it's recognition of
the needs of its users, and AOL would gain respect in the mailing
list/usenet(newsgroup) venues.
That is a very good
suggestion! I will forward that suggestion to the people who
maintain the site so that they can add the plain-text version of AOL to
the FTP space. While this won't be an immediate solution,
hopefully it will be a future solution.
Ryan Olson
AOL Executive Escalations
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: AOL V7.0 and Plain Text
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 18:10:47 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <jayobrien@att.net>
To: Ryan Olson <ryaninut@aol.com>
Thank you very much for your straightforward responses. I will share
AOL's positions, as you stated them, with others who have expressed
interest in this issue.
Please let me know when Plain Text AOL 7.0 is available on the AOL ftp
site for download.
Thank you!
Jay O'Brien