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The "Speed control survey" below does not tell the respondent that a response to the "questionnaire" is actually a binding vote that could force a stop sign to be installed in front of a neighbor's property. This letter is misrepresented by Mr. Stosich as asking for an opinion, not a vote.

This letter was received on September 1, 2004, via first class mail, not via Certified Mail as required by the "Residential Speed Control Program Petition Process", fourth bullet under STOP SIGNS, adopted by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on March 29, 1994, item 38. A ballot postcard was enclosed, with the votes to be returned no later than September 17, 2004.

The letter refers to, but does not provide, the "County Board of Supervisors' policy". After multiple requests, the County finally provided all of the "policy", received two months after the deadline for the votes to be cast. The policy was enacted on November 25, 1986 and revised on March 29, 1994.

Scroll up to view a discussion of this letter:

040830 letter

envelope received 9/1/04

This mail was sent "presorted first class", not certified as required by Board policy.

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