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Documentation and Pictures
Reflectorized barrier on Second Street at Shady Woods Way

KASL letter
This letter specifies the construction details for the items required by the conditions of approval added by the Board of Supervisors when the project was approved.

Board of Sups conditions
Board of Supervisors approval with the addition of conditions 25 and 26. At the time this was written it was assumed that Bradley Way would be extended to Second Street; the final map, however, opted to use the Shady Woods Way name.
Click here to view a current map.

NOTE:  It was necessary to escalate the issue to the Board of Supervisors to actually get the barrier and stop signs installed. Escalation to Traffic Engineering and Public Works was not effective.  Click here to review the 1990 letters of escalation that were necessary to actually secure the installation of the items required by the Board in conditions 25 and 26 above.

Drawing H-8
The original barrier was installed in accordance with the above drawing. This drawing is dated 7-88.

drawing 4-38
The above drawing, dated 12/2000, has replaced the H-8 drawing and is current as of October 27, 2004.
It is on line at

November 12, 1999
This picture of the original barrier was taken on November 12, 1999.
This barrier had been in place for nearly ten years.

October 28, 2004
  First Replacement barrier: Picture taken October 28, 2004
It is closer to the pavement;
the horizontal 2x12 is lower;
the sign is higher, above low beam headlights;
and the post supporting the sign is not painted.

October 27, 2004
First Replacement barrier: Picture taken October 28, 2004
Shows cement residue left in ground.
Shows 4x4 post left unpainted near ground level.

October 27, 2004
First Replacement barrier: Picture taken October 28, 2004
Shows dry rot and bent over 1/4" carriage bolts.

041216 Barrier 7359
Second Replacement barrier: Installed December 16, 2004
Now using 6x6 posts and extended to north:
The sign is on the post nearest to center on the LEFT HAND side;
The sign is now lower and in driver's line of vision;
and the post supporting the sign is painted.

041216 Barrier 7361
Second Replacement barrier: Installed December 16, 2004
It uses 1/4" bolts, not the 1/2" bolts specified by the standard drawing.

Click here to review my other experiences with the arbitrary and capricious Sacramento County Department of Transportation

Please use the "back" button on your browser to return to the last page viewed or click here for the Second Street stop sign issue.