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This letter was received November 17, 2004, from Mr. Randy Foust, Sacramento County Department of Transportation. The envelope was postmarked November 16, 2004.

Mr. Foust also enclosed copies of:
1. Email Jay O'Brien to Mark Manoff, 10/17/04
2. Email Jay O'Brien to Cortez Quinn, 10/24/04
3. Board of Supervisors' Action Summary for November 25, 1986
    (This includes the adoption of "Speed Controls on neighborhood streets", as Item 33)
4. Recommendation to Sups 3/29/94 - Revisions to Speed control petition process
5. Board of Supervisors' Action Summary for March 29, 1994: Item 38 adopts revisions.

Faust letter page 1

Faust letter page 2

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