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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed control stop signs - 2nd St., Rio Linda
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:40:23 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Mark Manoff <>


This confirms our telephone conversation this morning.

As the County has agreed that the installation of the stop signs was wrong, bypassing the agreed opportunity for the residents to be heard at a public meeting, I request, no I demand, that the stop signs be removed, and removed today. This should include painting over the marks in the street.

I understand that you plan to relay my request to Mr. Randy Faust and that he may call me.

I appreciate the apologies tendered by Mr. Lupe Rodriguez and yourself, but I believe that if you and the Department of Neighborhood Services are to be successful, you need to keep your word. The public meeting you promised would take place before any speed control action is taken must take place before stop signs are installed. The signs must be removed now if that meeting is to have any relevance.

The stop signs are ignored by a large percentage of the traffic; those that do stop southbound, after they have traversed the area from which the complaint petition originated, accelerate loudly past my house; this brings new vehicle noise and pollution to me. My residence, originally constructed in 1913, is much closer to the street than are the homes in the recent urban development across the street.

The basic problem here is enforcing the speed limit; why create other problems for other people rather than first attempt to enforce the existing law?

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed control stop signs - 2nd St., Rio Linda
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 16:32:56 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Mark Manoff <>
CC: Hal Morris <>


A follow up to your phone call to me this afternoon.

I understand that the public meeting on the stop signs will be an agenda item for the CPAC meeting on Tuesday, October 12th.

I disagree with the decision to leave the stop signs in place for 15 days until that meeting.  I believe the County should have honored your commitment to the community and removed the signs today. Had that happened, there would be no question about the potential effectiveness of DNS.

As it is a CPAC meeting, all affected parties should be notified of the meeting by mail. Please see that the residents of Shady Woods Way are notified by mail, as they are also affected by the new stop signs.

Please have the transportation attendees prepared to explain their decision to install the stop signs as a speed control measure before other means were exhaustedand their decision to install them permanently without any specified trial period. I would also hope to hear them explain their use of stop signs as a speed control measure in apparent defiance of the recommendations of the federal and state MUTCD.

I look forward to receiving the narrative email from you that I can quote when doing my part to get people to attend this meeting.

In the meantime I am an unhappy recipient of noise and traffic problems caused by the stop signs that should not have been installed prior to a public hearing.

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed control stop signs - 2nd St., Rio Linda
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 16:29:49 -0700
From: Manoff. Mark <>
To: Jay O'Brien <>

As per our last telephone conversation this afternoon, I have proposed that we still have a community meeting to discuss the stop sign. As I have already expressed to you, it is most unfortunate that the sign was installed in advance of the community meeting. I think that our best option at this point the Rio Linda CPAC would be a good venue for this discussion. I will get you the mailing last of the people that received the stop sign survey so you can contact them if you wish. Transportation will also send notice of the meeting to all the residents 2nd street. The CPAC meeting is Tuesday, October 12th at 7:00 P.M. I have requested that Lupe and Randy Foust be at the CPAC and explain what happened and get input on speed control, etc. Hopefully, we could also get input from the residents who petitioned for the stop sign as to its effectiveness.

Return to Second Street Speed Control web page (Sept. 28)