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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed control stop signs - 2nd St., Rio Linda
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 14:50:30 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Mark Manoff <>


As discussed on the phone, the stop signs have been installed and the street has been painted.

No public meeting, no information provided to the Rio Linda News to publicize the public meeting that wasn't held, and already the people going south who are now obliged to stop are going through the gears as they accelerate going by my house.

I am very disappointed. Speaking for the County, you gave me your word that a public meeting would be announced and held. I told others that what you had done is an example of the new approach of the County, and that we need to give you and DNS an opportunity to prove that you mean what you say.

Unfortunately what I see now is a shining example of the "old County"; that is, "We know better what is best for Rio Linda than do the residents of Rio Linda." After all, our supervisor has been quoted by many as saying "they have a victim mentality" when referring to Rio Linda Elverta. Maybe we have a reason to think that way.


northbound stop sign
Northbound stop sign installed September 27, 2004

southbound stop sign
Southbound stop sign installed September 27, 2004
(Note: this is a three-way stop)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed control stop signs - 2nd St., Rio Linda
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:34:01 -0700
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Mark Manoff <>
CC: Lupe Rodriguez <>


To confirm our conversation today, I appreciate the call from Mr. Lupe Rodriguez accepting responsibility for the installation of stop signs adjacent to my property on Second Street in Rio Linda without benefit of the County hosted public meeting you agreed would take place before the installation of the signs.

Unfortunately, the signs were installed exactly in the manner I suggested to you would occur; the decision would be made by the County's Mr. Stosich, not as a result of any community meeting.

I don't know what the County does to remove stop signs, but whatever it is won't be helped if we delay the process.

Mr. Rodriguez suggested that we three could meet prior to a public meeting to discuss this issue. As I suggested, we may certainly meet here at my residence if a mutually acceptable time can be found; I am very flexible.

The sooner the better. Let's not make bad things worse.


Return to Second Street Speed Control web page (Sept 27)